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broker directory index

A global referral source to match up buyers and sellers with the broker to serve their needs. Whether shopping for a new home, investment property, business or in need of a mortgage. We do our best to match up qualified partners everywhere for a referral fee. For others, you may wish to advertise with a hot link to your email, resume or home page.


Is your business brokering real estate, mortgages or businesses? How much advertising or exposure is enough?

If you were thinking of moving to Florida or the eastern half of the United States, and you were looking for a real estate agent, mortgage broker, business loan SBA lender or business broker, where would you search?

Introductory offer of $20.00 to advertise your services at

"Florida Real Estate Brokers.com"

For twenty dollars you can advertise your services in relation to buying, selling business opportunities, lending, insuring or closing business deals and commercial real estate. All customer contact goes directly to you. If you want a fully optimized page for your services with color photo, logo and resume that too is available for $100.00

I have been referring leads out across the country, and frankly it is too much work. You know how the referral game works! If you found this page, you can be sure a buyer or seller did before you. Or, perhaps your competition...

551 Montgomery Ave
Chambersburg, PA 17201-1712